
STEPS: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Policy Studies


STEPS: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Policy Studies

STEPS (Online) ISSN: 2333-3200
STEPS (Print) ISSN: 2333-3219
Editor in Chief: Robert Hummel, PhD
Issues 1-4; 2014-2016
Publisher: Potomac Institute Press, Arlington, VA.

This is the technical publication of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, which publishes scholarly articles of broad interest to the policy studies communities.

Catsworth Publishing Services, LLC created the management/tracking database, developing instructions for authors and terms of publication agreements, managed contracts and permissions, developed internal processes of production workflow, obtained indexing with EBSCOhost, and secured the ISSN from the Library of Congress.

We provided copyediting, design, layout, typesetting, and print management for this publication. We collaborated with our colleague, Alex Taliesen  of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, who provided spectacular graphics for each issue.